
Specifies whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 writing-mode

Allows long, unbreakable words to be broken and wrap to the next line
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 word-wrap

A shorthand property for all the transition-* properties
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 transition

Allows you to change the position on transformed elements
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 transform

Specifies the alignment between the items inside a flexible container when the items do not use all available space
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 justify-content

Controls the usage of alternate glyphs of smaller size positioned as superscript or subscript regarding the baseline of the font
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 font

Specifies whether or not a text should be displayed in a small-caps font
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 font

Preserves the readability of text when font fallback occurs
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 font

Allows control over advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 font

A shorthand property for all the column-rule-* properties
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 column

modifies the side of an element that other floating elements are no longer allowed to float. can be used after a row of floating elements. none|left|right|both|initial|inherit
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 clear

Specifies the placement of a table caption. As this site uses bootstrap the reset forces the caption to the bottom, so have to manually override it to set this correcrtly.
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 caption

Specifies whether or not a page-, column-, or region-break should occur inside the specified element
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 break

Specifies whether or not a page-, column-, or region-break should occur before the specified element
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 break

Specifies whether or not a page-, column-, or region-break should occur after the specified element Usually used in print @media to specify a break in the content. You can test the following demo's ..
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 break

box-sizing defines how the height and width of an element are calculated and if they should include borders and padding this usually defines the box sizing and is included in a html reset like * { bo..
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 box

sets a shadow or multiple shadows on an element none|h-offset v-offset blur spread color |inset|initial|inherit
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 box

changes the behavior of the border and background of an element at page-break, or, for in-line elements, at line-break.
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 box

Sets the elements position, from the bottom of its parent element This is usually used on absolute positioned elements aligning them from the bottom of the relative element.
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 bottom

A shorthand property for all the border-right-* properties
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 border

A shorthand property for all the border-left-* properties. border-left: border-width border-style border-color|initial|inherit;
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 border

the animation-timing-function property uses a Cubic Bezier curve function to change the speed of the animation
6:37 am, September 22, 2020 animation

animation-play-state controls if the animation is playing or not
6:34 am, September 22, 2020

animation-name specifies the name of the animation if there is one
1:23 am, September 22, 2020 animation

animation-iteration-count controls how many times the animation is played
1:20 am, September 22, 2020 animation

animation-fill-mode specifies a style for the element when the animation is not playing
1:17 am, September 22, 2020 animation

animation-duration specifies the duration of the current animation the timing can be in seconds or miliseconds
1:13 am, September 22, 2020 animation

The animation-direction property controls the animation direction and can set it to the reverse, alternate or alternate-reverse. You can see it in action with the demo's below.
1:32 am, September 21, 2020 animation

animation-delay controls the delay before the animation starts
12:24 am, September 21, 2020 animation

The all property resets all properties to their initial or inherited value. If you add the all property to your element it will reset all the preceding values. So you could use this as a reset, if y..
6:29 am, September 15, 2020 all

Sets the style rules for different media types/devices/sizes. all - targets all media screen - targets screen media print - print media speech - used for screenreaders
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 @media

Allows you to import a style sheet into another style sheet
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 @import

Allows authors to use a common name in font-variant-alternate for feature activated differently in OpenType
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 font

A rule that allows websites to download and use fonts other than the "web-safe" fonts
6:02 am, September 25, 2020 font